Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Friend ex boyfriend deal?

this girl i know(shes not really a friend because she gets really nasty if she doesnt get her way) broke up with this guy and i had dated him before....but he liked me and he had told me he like me before he went out with her....but i told him to go out with her because like i said she gets nasty when she doesnt get her way...and they recently broke up...she broke up with he asked me out...i like him i said yes..i told him i didnt want to tell anyone yet because that girl is a softball jock and all of her little groupies will gang up on me and i really dont like b*tchy people...i have to tell people do i tell the girl!!!! please help i really am in a hard place!!!Friend ex boyfriend deal?
just say, umm. im going out with ______(his name) and if she gets angry say its her fault for dumpinng him. because if she deosnt like him she wouldnt care, but if she still does just say you shouldnt of dumped him if you werent ready to let go.

hope i helped.Friend ex boyfriend deal?
Well if this is at school, your teachers or school officials need to take control of the bullies. Don't be a coward but stand up for yourself and let them know that you will not tolerate disrespect or there will be consequences. [Go to the office, etc.]
Don't date friend's exboyfriends. You should have took him first. Now you have sloppy seconds. She doesn't sound like a friend really anyways the way you describe her.
Let her find out by herself? Its not necesarily her business, she broke up with him.
tell the girl to get over it she broke up with him so girl you have to follow ur own heart and good luck xx x x
Have your bf tell her...
don't tell her it will cause problems

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