Wednesday, August 18, 2010

How to help my Boyfriend deal with my ex husband and his family?

My ex husband isn't apart of my sons life right now due to a protective order, but eventually if he does things right he will get visitation.My exs family have done and said alot of things to hurt me but I still love them anyways and would like to keep contact with them as long as they arnt trying to cause problems but its hard on my boyfriend.My boyfriend is wonderful with my son and basically the only father he knows, I love his family and they love me and my son, but I am a very forgiving person and I love my ex in-laws as well. Eventually these ppl will be a part of my sons life and I tried to explain this to my boyfriend but I think he is feeling insecure, any tips to help him understand?How to help my Boyfriend deal with my ex husband and his family?
no stepfather/boyfriend is going to look forward to having to deal with a father of the type who needs protective orders put on him. He feels there is no way for this to go smoothly and is going to end up in physical confrontation. And he is probably right if your Ex and his family are the confrontational type.

it sure would be a lot easier if he never had to deal with it im sure.How to help my Boyfriend deal with my ex husband and his family?
Your bf is an adult, right? He is expected to handle this like any other adult. You shouldn't have to ';help him'; along.
You need to let it be known to your ex husband and his family that you are with someone else now and the worst thing they can do is to piss you off. Easy come....easy go...
always be true to him,

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