Wednesday, August 18, 2010


A couple of hours ago i called my ex [we're friends] to see what he was doing cuz i was bored. and he was laughing and screaming and saying dumb stuff telling me he loves me and crap. his voice was slow and he sounded drunk. i asked him what was wrong.he told me he was getting high with his friend [BAD INFLUENCE].

then i heard him talking with this girl and he told me he would call me back. i called my friends while in tears and they said its not my problem and i should just leave it alone. but i cant. i care about him way too much for me to sit back and do nothing while he ruins his life. any advice as to what i a do or how i can hep him?HOW CAN I HELP MY EX BOYFRIEND DEAL WITH A DRUG PROBLEM? HES 15 AND IM 14.?
If it's just weed and alcohol it's not much of a problem I don't think.. Well weed isn't bad for you as much as alcohol. But if you feel it's a problem talk to him while he's sober. But it's pretty normal for a 15 year old kid to drink and smoke a little pot...HOW CAN I HELP MY EX BOYFRIEND DEAL WITH A DRUG PROBLEM? HES 15 AND IM 14.?
I know it hurts to know some one you care for is using but there is not a lot you can do.A person usually is doing drugs to escapee from something, I suggest that you try to be a friend, do things with him that makes him happy beside the drugs. If the problem gets worst, tell his folks so that they can get him help before it gets to late.. Good look and be patient with him. It takes one day at a time
whats he using? if its just weed i don't think its that big of a deal just try and help him get his stuff done before he gets its harder drugs you need to talk to him and tell him how dangerous it is and research it on the net and print out all the effects so it he decides to continue he will know what hes in for and at least is making an informed decision
You can't, he has to help himself. Calling the police is almost always going to do more harm than good, though.
If you are a true friend you should talk to his parants or a school counsler. a drug problem is hard to overcome without professional help

Tell his parents or anonymously call the cops.
He's probably smoked a little pot. It won't harm him unless he does it for years, but it's still not a good thing. He probably just wanted some attention from you :)
lol a druggy 15 year old. I laugh at what today's youth society has become.

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