Wednesday, August 18, 2010

How to deal with my boyfriends manipulative daughter.?

She's 16 years old. One minute she wants to see him and the next minute she makes plans w/her boyfriend or her girlfriends. Yesterday she called him at work, and she was fine. A little while later she calls back complaining of a severe stomach ache. She was crying and needed him to drive to his x-wifes house to console her. They live 25 miles away. The mother came home to see what was really wrong, she walked in her house and saw my boyfriend sitting there with his two kids and apparently said, ';this is BS, I'm going back to work.'; My BF said that his daughters stomach ache went away shortly. He stayed a couple of hours at his x's house, then brought the kids to his house. His x picked them up later. His daughter also cuts herself, and sometimes says it feels good to do that. She also says her friends do it to. Is this what teenagers do today??How to deal with my boyfriends manipulative daughter.?
Your boyfriend's daughter needs immediate therapy for the cutting issues. It is NOT normal and can be deadly. As for what you should do you'd be smart to see a therapist to figure it out. Good luck.How to deal with my boyfriends manipulative daughter.?
People who cut themselves need therapy. She has emotional problems and should get counseling before something serious happens.
this girl has problems get her help in time might save her lif as well other around her unstable in her ways .
send her to boarding school far far away.
smack her..
It is up to her father to deal with her and he must remember that discipline is love. She is manipulating him and he must be able to see it. You cant get in the middle of it though. she is probably very upset by this situation and acting out in the only way she can get a response. she needs love and understanding not loving reponses to her bad behavior though. reinforce good positive behavior.

Good Luck and God Bless!!
i know a sitch like that my uncle daughter breaks up every relationship they have including marriages so much so he had to move to another state just to keep his gf this time
Obviously this is a family that doesn't need you in it.(The family being his daughter and him.).She is blood, children come before lovers.(if the parent is a good one they do.) Back off, his daughter needs him and his attention now..who are you to be jealous and competitive?..Grow up dear, he is a package deal.She cuts herself cause she can't deal with the pain of her dad being away and maybe other things ..There is no competition here, she is his child and she comes before you.
My daughter also cut herself.....I took her to a psychiatrist and she was diagnosed as bipolar.....The doc told me that when they cut themselves they hate something about themselves so bad that they want to get rid of it....Please tell your boyfriend to have her checked asap...Also sounds to me like she misses him terribly....Why not have her stay with you guys for awhile????
she is just wanting attention from her dad, she does this cause she knows she can and proubly cause she knows it bothers you, and she needs new friends, sounds like her friends mite influence her to do things to be cool. cutting her self is not cool. this is not normal to want to cut on herself she needs help.
The best thing you can do is stay COMPLETELY out of it. Be nice to her when you see her but do not get drawn into any conflicts. Just leave it up to your hubby. Also, if she is actually cutting her self than she needs mental help. But it's up to the Dad to get it for her.
You should be having your own rules too. everyone has the right to have an space with the dear one specially when is being taking away, but this 16 YEARS OLD DAUGHTER..KNOWS WHAT SHE IS DOING she wants you to go away so it is up to you if you want to take that crap, or run away from that circle which only will bring you tears, and unhappiness, WHAT I CAN SEE is that you will never stand up for your rights, he is done with his EX, but if he is willing to wait for her, to be there, something is not clear about it. so it will be better for you to take a break from your boyfriend and wait what he is going to do about this situation...ask him, tell him that you understand very clear about his past and present situation, but you want to know what is your place, and where are you standing up??
no.. she needs help.... seriously... she is having some deep rooted emotional issues....
She doesn't sound manipulative. She wants attention she is jealous of you b/c your getting ';daddy's'; attention. Therefore why not call mom over there to see you sitting there hoping to make her jealous so she will call up ';daddy'; and want to get back together. She's cutting herself for the same reason. She needs to be taken to see a Psychologist to find out why she is doing this. She might be suffering from a mental disorder, or really just a cry for attention. I would make an appointment after talking to her dad and see what he thinks. NO, it's not something teenagers do today per say. I use to do the same thing, but it wasn't necessary a cry for attention just b/c of pain, hurt and anger I was experiencing. Since her parents are split she might be doing that as a means to release anger and pain and for attention as well. I wish you all the best of luck. God Bless.
There are signs of a very serious personality disorder here called ';Borderline Personality disorder';. The instability effects many aspects of daily functioning, including interpersonal relations, behavior, mood and self image. They fluctuate between depression, anxiety and anger with the slightest provocation. The most serious of the symptoms is the self mutilation or other self destructive behaviors. This disorder is associated usually with high early childhood trauma and an unvalidating environment. Get professional help or ask your BF to. He could be saving his child's life.
Yeah, she definitely needs some counseling. The things she's doing are for attention, it's a way of asking for help. Get her some.
She needs therapy...possibly, family therapy....divorce may be why she's acting the way she is.
Oh greif, teenagers. I am one and I can't stand them. It sounds to me like this child is just spoiled rotten by your boyfriend, and there is where the problem lies. If him and her mother recently broke up, that could be an underlying reason. But mostly it sounds like she needs to get over herself and discover that the world does not revolve around her. Most teenage girls think that.......

The next time she complains of illness, I suggest telling him to tell her that if it is life threatening as she says that she should call an ambulance, because there is no possible way he can get there fast enough, but if it turns out nothing is wrong with her she will have to get a job to pay for the bills that she incurrs.

As for the cutting, cutting, when others know about it is an outcry for attention. In this she needs serious help. Go to her school counciler, or a therapist.

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