Wednesday, August 18, 2010

How do you best deal with a boyfriends whacko ex-wife?

So here's the skinny....I have a great boyfriend. I mean GREAT. We've been together just over two years, he's smart, employed, funny, fun to be with, HONEST, LOYAL and totally hot. His ex-wife, on the other hand, is a psycho! She hates him, and thus me (it's the company you keep??), and makes it miserable whenever there is a kids event (the dude has two kids). To put it plainly, she's FOUL - overweight, miserable, unhappy - and as they say - misery loves company!! Any ideas on how to disengage from the drama???? Sometimes I can make it work short term, but eventually I get irritated....and that's being politically correct with word choice :-)How do you best deal with a boyfriends whacko ex-wife?
*You shouldn't have to deal with his ex at all he should be taking care of thatHow do you best deal with a boyfriends whacko ex-wife?
what's the question?
Find New Boyfriend
If you love the guy and want the relationship to continue,

1] be supportive with him,

2] loving to the kids,

3] don't you or your boyfriend 'dis' her when they are around [ don't let others do it either].

Be the better person - the kids will eventually figure out what's

what and appreciate you even more.
hey, are you my gf posting on me? no wait, we have %26gt;2 years....maybe his x is twin of mine, separated at birth....

as somebody else said, it is really *his* problem, but you are involved too, if you're going to be involved with him. If u are good actress, take the attitude that you can be nice to her face and ignore what she says (maybe she will be confused %26amp; give up being nasty to you)

yes, difficult....but you will shine in comparison to her.

kudos to you. I (or rather my GF) have been where you ain't easy, but nothing is forever, not even the witch's nastiness

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