Monday, August 16, 2010

Need Help and Advice on how to help someone with cancer and family deal with what will happen.?

I have exhausted my options. I don't know where to turn to for help. My Boyfriends mother was diagnosed with Brain cancer in June of 2009. She was given 1-2 years. She went on short term disability an that has ended. She is not eligible for long term. My boyfriend and I moved up here to take care of her and her boyfriend whom is recovering from a stroke. His mom is no longer going to have money coming in and finding a job here is nothing short of a miracle. I don't know what to do. How can we get money coming in so she can keep her insurance so she can continue to get her medications and go to her appointments? How can I help my boyfriend deal with all this and help him deal with the fact that his mom has a terminal illness. I know everyone says being there is what means so much but reality it's not enough. Just being here saying it will work out and that it will be ok is not reality. What can I do to get some money coming in and help them deal with the inevitable. Me and him are also starting college in just a few days. Only part time but we have to be here every 4 hours for medications and to make all meals. Figure out how to keep all the bills payed and food coming in, plus get ready to try and start our school. We had to quit our jobs to be here and now we just don't know what to do. How to help. How to deal. We need help. .We need advice and I need to know how to help him deal with it all and to stay strong for him.Need Help and Advice on how to help someone with cancer and family deal with what will happen.?
This is not really your problem as you are not married to this man. You may feel some type of responsiblity but it really is not your concern if you are not legally married. This is something your boyfriends mother should be working on and it should not be up to you or your boyfriend to sort any of this out. The best thing you could do for his mother is for you to go back to college and continue your studies. If you wish to keep a relationship going with this man, than that is kind of you . . but they really are not your family.

Every cancer clinic and cancer center has an oncological social worker who will work with patients in your friends condition. You should mention this to your boyfriend. Call the oncologist or the hospital to ask for a referral.

ACS:Health Insurance and Financial Assistance for the Cancer Patient鈥?/a>Need Help and Advice on how to help someone with cancer and family deal with what will happen.?
Go talk to the social worker at your local Hospice, they are trained to help the dying and their families with everything. If there's a way then they'll know it. They can also help you and your boyfriend through this journey, which is going to be very tough. Best of luck to all of you.
sorry to hear about your terrible situation but if she has no income and no means of support she can apply for Medicaid. Medicaid can provide for all her medical costs.
sorry to hear about your boyfriends mother,but she is so lucky to have you ,what kind caring people you and your boyfriend sound good luck with college

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