One of his best friends just died from cancer,and his parents are not allowing him to come to the funeral. He is in shock at the moment,how can I help? I feel so terrible.How can I effectively help my boyfriend deal with grief?
That sucks.
People Grieve in their own way. Grief is like having an amputation. You don't know how you can live without what you have lost, but, you do learn to cope with the loss.
You can only encourage people to learn to cope with their loss. Like an amputation you cannot bear the loss for them. Only Christ can do that.How can I effectively help my boyfriend deal with grief?
Just be there and be supportive of him and let him deal with his grief and emotions personally in this own way and timing.
Parents not ALLOWING him to go to the funeral. How old is your boyfriend?
You can let him know you are there and then give him space. Don't smother him. Let him mourn and if it is his desire, let him do it alone. Sometimes it is better to let someone know you care and step back and let them cope in their own way. Always be there if he wants you near.
The best friends often just sit in silence and it is the best thing for both to do. The grieving one knows the friend is there and the friend is doing good and knows he will do what he can. Words and actions are not always the thing that is needed.
Are either of you Christian? The best way to deal with grief is to accept the sovereignty of God and recall He is still on the throne
Why can he not go to the funeral? He should be able to go tell his friend goodbye. The only thing you can do is to be there for him, cry with him and pray
There are therapists who specialize in grief process, support groups too. If he is religious or spiritual he can go talk to and Elder or a priest. You can be supportive, listen when he needs to cry or vent. Don't try to make him feel better, he has to get through it on his own.
Tell him that his friend knew how he felt, and he wont care if you didn't come to his funeral because that's only showing other people that you're greiving...but *name of his friend* knows you want to be there and that you're grieving in private.
Grieve with him. Share his tears.
A wise man once said that you may forget with whom you laughed, but you will never forget with whom you wept.
Share his pain, share his tears.
Celebrate life while you can.
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