Tuesday, August 10, 2010

How do you help your boyfriend deal with the fact that your having a baby???

I just found out Im pregnant and my boyfriend and I dont know how to take it just yet.....one day we are excited and the next we a ready to cry....We've never met eachothers family yet so we have to do that and we wern't ready........Im having the baby I just want to know if there is something I can do to help him through this?? I know its just as hard for him as it is for me.....How do you help your boyfriend deal with the fact that your having a baby???
I would be sure to take him along for your first ultrasound. There is nothing like seeing that little beloved life swimming around. It's completely amazing.

I work in the medical imaging field and have seen probaby 100's of OB ultrasounds, but when I saw my own, I spontaneously started crying with happiness.

My husband and I were also surprised by my pregnancy. We went through a state of shock, but once you adjust to the idea and start actively doing things, it helps to make it seem less like trauma and more like a joyful occurrence.

What helped my husband was planning. He immediately did research on costs, put together a new family budget, started looking for a bigger apartment - all the practical things. He then felt much more in control. Once he then saw the baby on the ultrasound, it became real to him, and he calmed down a lot.How do you help your boyfriend deal with the fact that your having a baby???
Don't try to ';help'; him, he needs to deal with his issues on his own. Just be honest and sincere with him. Let him know you are open to talking about what you are going to do.

And don't make a mistake of getting married solely because you are pregnant (if you are thinking about it) because it will make your relationship worse.

This may be a good time to see a relationship counselor -- they can help the two of you deal with these issues and others as you are going to be parents together. This may also help him have someone to talk to who can help him work things out in his own mind.
Im married and my husband was a little shocked at first...but luckily i was the one who cried and he just kept telling me the + and got me through the first weeks then after that you just have a blast shopping...but towards the end you just dont want to do anything...But anyways hes going to need the support of family...how old are you 2? Let him have a big part in naming the baby...My Son has his dad's middle name...
more importantly, how is he going to help you?
tell him you want him to meet your family and you want to meet his. tell him everything will be alright and not to worry.
Obvious questions: Is the kid his?

If neither of you wants children, you should consider

putting the child up for adoption. You should avoid

having an abortion for all sorts of mechanical and

emotional reasons (though you may end up doing


';Help him through this'; by making him part of the

decision making process.
Having been through this situation twice already, I would say the only thing that you can do is be there for him and encourage him. DO NOT push anything on him or try to make him want it. Just keep communication open with him and things will likely get better. I know that if baby stuff were pushed onto me the first time this happened to me I would have likely run. My ex didn't do that to me and we just talked about what was going on and what we wanted. Both of us agreed that abortion was not an option. After talking about it, we were able to get excited about having a baby.
Just be supportive of him and remind him that you have fears, too. Make sure you ALWAYS talk about your feelings through this process and do not shut eachother out. Start planning together the finances so you won't be suprised and stressed over that.

Be respectful towards his family members and forgive them if they don't react positively at first. They've never met you and yet they get to meet the girlfriend and find out she's pregnant all at one shot.

Good Luck!
Get him involved, him and his family. Ask for his idea on baby names. Point out body parts on the ultrasound. Ask him on ideas for the baby's room. Make him feel as though he has a part in this. He and you will feel a lot better about what is happening.
Well...he will have a problem at first..mine did...but he stuck right by me..I think the moment my boyfriend heard the heartbeat at 9 weeks..he immediately fell in love
OMG. Glad I am not where you are agian. Only advice:

Dont let your family get too involved with your new relationship. no matter what. trust me.
If hes a real man he will be freaked out and tempted to run. But he wont. Mine was the same way. Men take this harder than we do. They instanly start thinking about money and taking care of an extra person. It means the end of carefree days and the start of a huge responsibility. He is just scared about all of this. You are too, but you are more excited. Tell me you dont get all fuzzy feeling when you think about being a mommy?! LOL! Its ok. Its totaly normal. He will be fine and you will be fine. As far as the parents, it depends on how old you are and how long you have been with your boyfriend. they will most likly be shocked but will warm up to it soon enough. When he goes to the OB/GYN with you and hears the heartbeat and sees the baby, he will be so into this. Its wonderful. I cant wait till July to see my baby on my first sonogram! Good luck sweetie and congratulations!
Its going to be hard. But he will have to deal when the baby comes out.
It's just a matter of adjustment. Try figuring out the details one step at a time. Once you get your first ultrasound and it becomes more real, hopefully it will help. Also, sit down and figure out your finances, figure out what you can do without, MEET eachothers parents. You would be amazed at some soon to be grandparents, they can be quite fantastic. Chin up hun, it's a huge adjustment.

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