leave her alone for a day, silently be thereHow should a boyfriend deal when his girlfriend is really very angry with him?
It took a long time for me to learn that what a guy does is more important than what he says.
Sure you do need to apologise, but if you have done something that has made her not trust you e.g. kiss another girl - then you need to tell her when you are going to places where there are going to be other girls around %26amp; what time you are going to be back (at least until she trusts you again).
You would also need to invite her to go to more parties with you %26amp; hang around you more - I know this sounds like a lot, but it would win back her trust %26amp; stop her from feeling tempted to check up on you all the time if you are doing pre-emptively for her.
I know the above example may not be your situation, but it is just an example of how actions speak louder than words.
dont react immediately after some time she will be ok
buy her flowers and send them to her house with a forgiveness card, works everytime
Give her time to calm down. Send her flowers. Then follow up with a call to meet and talk things over. People think clearer once they are relaxed. Of course this depends on what you did to upset her in the first place.
Say your sorry and truly mean it!!!! There is really nothing else to say cause it's hard to forgive but it's not hard to forget. I wish the best of luck to you.
humble yourself and sincerely apologise. and truly be good to her. don't take her for granted or do anything that upsets her again.
let her calm down. then explain that u were wrong, this part is important, tell her u know u were wrong, then say that in knowing that u were wrong u wont ever do it again, because u hate to have hurt and upset her, and t breaks ur heart that ur the reason why shes so upset.
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